Insurance Services
As your advocate, let us interface with insurance brokers who advocate for insurance carriers to evaluate your risk profile and obtain maximal coverage for the least cost. We follow through with application development support as well as claims processing and legal assistance when needed.
Advanced Risk Mitigation
By comprehensively modeling your financial risks with our proprietary software, we can provide creative options such as re-insurance, co-insurance, captives and Loss Mitigation instruments to completely surround exposures
Business Continuity and Crisis Management Planning
A fully rounded out Risk Management program includes an effective Business Continuity and Crisis Management program that can make enormous differences in outcomes when the unthinkable happens.
Since 1993
Our Message
Our size, agility and wealth of relationships enables us to serve our clients as truly independent and effective intermediaries with brokers and insurance carriers.
Our senior team have advised some of the most successful middle market healthcare firms and corporate clients on a range of key decisions substantially improving their positions relative to their
risk footprint. ACR has the capability to serve clients as a full-service risk advisory firm, having established key alliances with insurance brokers and carriers, as well as legal experts and IT security professionals. ACR is also a member of the Hanover Stoner Partners network which allows us to better serve our clients in the broadest range of risk management services.
Next Steps...
Take the first step in understanding how we can review your current financial protection umbrella and obtain a no obligation assessment on how you can realize broad advancements in insurance coverage at less than what you are paying today!